gracing a conference room, lobby, main saloon, office or
proudly showcased at home, The Robert Webber Commemorative
provides a powerful visual tribute celebrating foresight
and accomplishment to share with associates and family members
for generations to come.
Example style
choices: (click
images to view large)
Image Scenic Format |
Image Study Format |
Limited edition prints with text details are available with
commissioned work:
Bob directly and describe the project you have in mind..
After gaining an understanding of both a project's scope
and your thoughts, the first order of business will be the
availability of reference photography of the subject. When
up-to-date material is received, planning for the project
can begin. Arrangements can also be made to obtain current
reference material of the subject(s).
review of available reference photography and agreement
on execution, completion of the portrait will take between
eight to twelve weeks on average. (This time frame may be
extended by unforeseen delay caused by special circumstances
such as framing or shipping. While dimensions vary, framed
sizes of portraits usually average 24" X 32" (61cm
X 81cm).
Pricing is based on subject, logistics
for reference photography, portrait style (Scenic-Study)
and individual objectives. Estimates are provided without
average, single image (Scenic) formats for a yacht or ship
Pricing begin at $3000. Multiple image (Study) formats can
range from $4000 to $6000. If suitable photography of your
boat or subject already exists, pricing will be adjusted
accordingly. Aircraft and motorcar portraiture generally
range from $2000 to $4000. Final costs will be reviewed
in detail before work proceeds on any project.
Digital Files and Limited Edition Prints:
Many clients request production of high-resolution
portrait scans for use for other applications. These could
include additional prints on paper or canvass for other applications
including second homes, office, lobby locations or smaller
versions for use aboard. |